Ebay seller offer partial refund

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Our product helps you protect your identity and bank account from cyber criminals. Read our most popular questions and answers about handling return requests from your buyers.
You can also find more information in our full article below. Buyers can always submit a return request, even if your returns policy says you don't accept returns.
Whether you need to accept the return depends on their reason for opening the return. If the buyer is asking to return the item because it's damaged, faulty, or didn't match your listing description, then you need to accept the return. If they've opened the return for another reason, for instance if they ordered the wrong item or changed their mind, then you aren't required to accept the return — however, where possible we always suggest providing a great customer experience.

What happens if the item is damaged while it's being returned? When returning an item, it's the buyer's responsibility to ensure that it's packed properly and protected during shipping. If the ebay seller offer partial refund is damaged while it's being returned to you, you may be entitled to offer them a reduced refund.
See our Partial refund guidelines for more details. What happens if the buyer doesn't send the item back? Once you've accepted a return, the buyer should send the item back to you as soon as possible. If we don't see any indication that the item is on its way after 15 business days, we may close the return and protect you from negative feedback.

Keep in mind that some returns can remain open for up to 35 business days. Why would a seller offer a partial refund? A partial refund is a form of compromise for both buyer and seller. Think of it as a discount from the original sale price. It can also be risky, with the item potentially becoming damaged or lost in transit on its journey back In the instance of an item having a minor physical flaw that does not impact on usability such as a small scratcha partial refund may satisfy the buyer and prevent a ebay seller offer partial refund refund from being required.
A partial refund may also be a suitable solution when a buyer purchases the wrong item color, size, style but would still like to keep it. Another common partial refund scenario would be one in which a seller accidently sends the wrong item but the buyer has indicated that they may be content with the delivered product instead.
It should be considered on a case-by-case basis. How to offer a partial refund on eBay Sellers can only offer a partial refund once. The buyer has the choice to accept or reject the partial refund offer. Ebay seller offer partial refund to the Returns dashboard Click View return details beside the item in question Select Offer a partial refund and then Continue Enter the amount to offer the buyer Add a message optional Click Send offer Sellers using managed payments can issue eBay partial refunds from Seller Hub. It is a good idea to discuss the possibility of a partial refund directly with the buyer first, before issuing ebay seller offer partial refund.
With you: Ebay seller offer partial refund
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