How long after covid symptoms stop will you test negative
How long after covid symptoms stop will you test negative Video
WATCH: How long should I wait to go out after testing positive for coronavirus?How long after covid symptoms stop will you test negative - topic
Send it to us at CovidQ mit.Today, you get a two-for-one deal, as we answer two related questions about recovery from the virus. Question 1: How long after symptoms occur are you still contagious?
Nor can we say exactly how long you may be contagious. Finally, keep in mind that these are minimal criteria. And coming out of isolation does not mean throwing caution to the wind.
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You should still continue taking the precautions we are all taking at this time — staying home as much as possible and, if you must go, wearing a mask and maintaining social distance between others and yourself.
Another two days passed and then my son developed a fever. This test was also negative.
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