How to say please tell me in french

For example, you're at the airport waiting to board your flight, when an announcement informs passengers the flight just got canceled, without further explanations. You get up in anger, look at the boarding staff and scream "merde alors!
It adequately reflects the level of frustration and indignation such an announcement provokes. Note that using the phrase does not involve cursing anyone, you're just cursing at the situation itself and expressing your rage. Test yourself! Now for our little final quiz. Look at the situations below and pick what you think is the best answer. Just write your anwers in the comments section below. After a while the correct answers will be published.
You take it back to the store, but the storekeeper tells you there's nothing he can do, he won't take it back. You get angry and say : A. You're late for work and need to leave now, but she's blocking you. Translation: A hottie guy Pronunciation: euh bow gos. Tu es beau.

Une belle gosse. Translation: A hottie girl Pronunciation: Oon bel goz.
Save yourself from an embarrassing social situation and learn to master these differences when approaching someone who has caught your interest. Translation: You are very beauitful Pronunciation: Two eh trey joelee. This is a phrase that can be said to a woman to tell her that she looks pretty. Je te trouve belle. You can never go wrong with compliments in French. Mon amour. Translation: My love Pronunciation: Mohn amour. Each language has their own special nicknames, and this is a common and loving way that couples refer to each other. Translation: My dear Pronunciation: Mohn cheree. It is a standard go-to term you will hear couples calling each other, or parents when talking to their children.
It is only used when referring to a man, so make a mental note! Translation: My dear Pronunciation: Mah cheree. This version of the above pet name can be used for the special lady in your life. This is the same expression as the phrase above, but for women. You can use it with your significant other and you will also hear parents or grandparents use it when speaking to their children and grandchildren. It is an endearing way to refer to different loved ones.
Ma belle. Translation: My beautiful one Pronunciation: Mah bel.
It might be just what she needs to make her day better and feel loved. With friends and family, salut or coucou are likely the way to go. But in more formal situations, like work, school, or when talking to strangers, you may prefer to us bonjour may be the better option. This is a gesture upon both meeting and parting ways where you kiss someone on the cheek or cheeks. Depending on where you are in France, you may kiss each cheek once, kiss three times, or even four! As you may have already guessed you can tailor this sentence to anything or anyone that you are looking forward to doing or seeing.
Just know that you may run into people who say this. All you have to do is say vivement which translates literally as quickly or swiftly and then the time you are looking forward to. The only difference between how to say please tell me in french is that some are a little more formal than others. Expressing i visit web page you with on se reverra quand This one is almost identical to the previous one with one key difference. On se reverra quand? On se revoit quand?
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