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How to say wake up everybody in spanish

Captain Feathersword: Whoa-ho! I'm flapping, me hearty! Greg: All right, let's all flap! The Wiggles are gonna flap too. How about you? Greg: singing You roll low Murray: He's in low pitched. Then guess what? Until, Adrian gets to do a double backflip. Then, everyone waves to the viewers. A scene where Jeff is holding a little chick when feeding some seeds. Jeff: Cheep, cheep. Cheep, cheep. This is a baby chicken, called a "chick".

It's only a week old. Chicks hatch out of an egg and they make a sound like this, "cheep, cheep, cheep". Wiggles: singing In The Wiggles' world.

A door closes until the doorbell ringing sound effect. Until, it translates to Anthony holding to book to read their favorite characters. Anthony: He holds a book, while reading. Dorothy the Dinosaur is green and yellow.

Dorothy: She giggles. Hello, everybody. It's great to see you. Anthony: Jeffery Wiggle is a sleepy fellow. Greg: 1, 2, Jeff blubbers and wakes up. Anthony: Murray wears red and plays his guitar. Murray plays his red Maton Mastersound MS guitar over a rock riff. Up above here world so high Like a diamond in the sky. Anthony: Everybody say hello to our friend Wags. Wags: Ruff, ruff! G'day, everyone! I'm Wags the Dog. Anthony: Henry has eight tentacles. He can carry 8 bags. Henry: Hello, everybody! Anthony: Captain Feathersword sails his ship on the ocean. It goes round how to say wake up everybody in spanish round with an up and down motion. My name is Anthony and I wear blue.

And I just want to say hello to you. Rainbow guitar transition to Greg is gonna wake Jeff up because it's time for Wiggly Animation.

Greg: Hey, everybody. Jeff has fallen asleep. Let's wake him up.

Wake up, Jeff! Jeff: He blubbers, while waking up before wiggling their fingers with Greg. It's time for some Wiggly Animation! Greg: Yeah. Where has it come? It has come to the mountains, it has come to the village and it has come to the fields. Jeff ends the song and The Wiggles and Atsuko Arai take a bow. Until, roses transition to Dorothy introducing the segment called "Dorothy's Dancing Alphabet". Dorothy: Hi, everyone. Greg: singing Dorothy, with the Other Wiggles singing. Dorothy, would you like to dance with me? It translates back to Dorothy. Dorothy: Here's Anthony with another exciting letter.

Slide transitions to Anthony introduced our letter for today. Anthony: Thanks, Dorothy. Everybody, this is the letter "e". The letter "e" is shown. Now elephants are lovely animals. They've got long trunks, which they use to swing around, pick up food, put the food in their mouth. They're wonderful animals. Let's do an elephant dance. He is doing an elephant dance, when Sorry Again instrumental track is playing in the background. While he makes a trumpet sounds. Dorothy: I love the elephant dance!

She's dancing to an elephant dance with Anthony. Come along with us to the Wiggly concert. It's lost of fun. He gives a thumbs up. A scene is filmed on December 19, at Sydney Entertainment Centre. While, The Wiggly Dancers come out with their parking 4 colored flags. While, The Wiggles are driving the Big Red Car, as they're waving hello to everyone arrives on stage. Murray: Hello, everyone! Greg: singing Well, Murray's in the back seat Rocking on his guitar Murray's in the back seat with the other Wiggles singing. Of the Big Red Car.

Murray: What's Jeff up to? Greg: singing Jeff is fast asleep Oh, no! Can you believe that? Greg: singing We better wake him up so let's all with the other Wiggles singing. Call out "Wake up Jeff! Murray: This is Anthony! Greg: singing Now, Anthony is eating. He's got so much food He loves it. Greg: singing He's eating apples and oranges with the other Wiggles singing. And fruit salad too! Anthony: This is Greg! The Other Wiggles: singing Greg is doing the driving Greg: That's right.

Dorothy: Is something wrong, Anthony? You don't seem like your usual happy self? Anthony: Yep, Dorothy, I just don't feel like eating anything at all. Dorothy: Hmmm There could be a number of reasons why that's the case; but, because Anthony's not feeling well, I think it's best if we call Dr. She can check to see if everything is okay. Greg: Great idea, Dorothy. Greg: Greg picks up a blue telephone and dials numbers on the phone Hello, Dr. Ah, yes, it's about Anthony Okay, thanks. We'll see you soon. Well, Dr. Verygood said she'll be here as quickly as she can to check on Anthony.

Suddenly the doorbell rings Could that be the doctor now! With Dorothy and the other wiggles Wow, she's very good! Verygood: Hello, Wiggles! Verygood: Hello, Anthony. Anthony: Hi, doctor. Verygood: We're going to run a few test to see if we can find out what's wrong how to say wake up everybody in spanish you.

Verygood grabs a wooden stick Let's start with this; This is a tongue depressor. I'm going to put this on your tongue, so we can have a look at your throat. Anthony opens his mouth with his tongue Hmm Verygood grabs her stethoscope All right; now, I'm going to put on my stethoscope so I can listen to Anthony's heart and his chest. Verygood puts her stethoscope on Anthony's heart while he's breathing Take a deep breath, breathe in; and out. Verygood how to say wake up everybody in spanish what is the weather in nova scotia now thermometer Now I'm going to take your temperature with my thermometer.

Anthony's mouth opens and closes with thermometer Pop this in your mouth.

Let's have a look. Verygood is checking to see if he's got a here Hmm Verygood is grabs the blood pressure machine Now I might take your blood pressure. This won't hurt. Can I have your arm? Anthony put his arm while Dr. Verygood is putting her stethoscope Feeling okay? Anthony: Very good. Verygood: Dr. Verygood is squeezing the pump to take a look Hmmm Greg: Well, doctor, you've conducted all your medical examinations and tests and procedures on Anthony, what do you think the problem is?

Verygood: Well, I can't find anything wrong with Anthony, but he's not feeling well, so I might ask him a couple of questions and see if we can 'nut' this out. Now, Anthony, how were you feeling yesterday? Anthony: Oh, good question, doctor. Yesterday I was feeling great!

: How to say wake up everybody in spanish

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