Can a 15 year old work in a restaurant that serves alcohol

Note: Department of Public Safety liquor-control laws prohibit serving or selling intoxicating liquor in a retail liquor establishment by minors less than 18 years of age. Machinery Prohibited work for minors includes: operating or assisting in the operation of power-driven machinery, such as forklifts, meat saws and grinders, milling machines, punch presses, press brakes and shears, and woodworking machinery; and operating any non-automatic elevator, lift or hoisting machine.
Tobacco There is no state restriction on age for selling source products. While I know you are not going to Boston, the way it works here is that most clubs with music are 21 and up, but many have some under 21 nights, still with music. The reason this is so complicated is the nature of liquor laws in US and liability. Advertise to neighbors by handing out flyers.

Offer to take this tedious chore off of their hands. Make some money in the process. Mobile Car Wash One chore people have a hard time finding time for is cleaning their car. You could start a mobile car washing business and help them out. This is always a nice benefit for clients.
Choose an hourly rate that ensures you make enough money to cover work time and travel time. Advertise your services on a neighborhood app, via flyers, or by asking family or friends for business. House Cleaning Are you good at cleaning house? If so, why not start a house cleaning business? Choose an hourly rate and try to give a quote based on how long it will take to you do the job. They might clean up the house or do dishes.
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Or, they might play games with the children while the mom works from home. Each client will likely have you do different tasks so they can focus on their tasks. The Registrar of Alcohol and Gaming is required to propose to revoke a liquor licence or refuse to renew or transfer a liquor licence for non-payment of RST.
The Ministry of Finance checks their records and in the case where an applicant is behind in RST payments, the Ministry of Finance will notify the applicant of the situation and advise the licensee they are responsible for clearing any outstanding RST amounts prior to a licence being issued. At the same time the AGCO is notified electronically. Licensees and applicants that are in arrears with the Ministry of Finance for Retail Sales Tax may experience some delays as they clear up their accounts. The first step you can take in streamlining the process for yourself is to keep your account with the Ministry of Finance current.
COVID-19 is an emerging, rapidly evolving situation.
What are the hours for alcohol service? Liquor may be sold and served during the following hours at licensed establishments and Special Occasion Permit events: Monday to Sunday: a. The licensee or permit holder may choose shorter hours of operation.

Restricted hours of sale and service may be established as a condition of a licence or Special Occasion Permit. Serving hours remains the same on federal, provincial and municipal election days. What is the legal drinking age in Ontario? The legal age to drink alcohol is 19 years old. What is the legal age for serving alcohol? The legal age to serve alcohol in a licensed establishment is 18 years old.
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Can a 15 year old work in a restaurant that serves alcohol - any
Businesses will often hire minors for these tasks to provide valuable work experience and gain help during busy seasons. Some of these hazards that relate to food service are: Power-driven meat processing machines, commercial mixers, certain power-driven bakery machines.This includes operation, feed, set-up, adjusting, repairing, or cleaning any of these machines or disassembled parts Operating motor vehicles Balers and compactors For the full list of hazardous occupations and more information, see the Occupations Banned for All Minors. In addition, there are tasks that minors aged cannot perform apart from the hazardous jobs listed above. It can be difficult to wade through the restaurant labor laws and understand what you can and cannot do in your business. Here are a few tips to ensuring that you and your employees are covered under these laws. Stay Informed Be sure that your management and leadership teams are informed of the tasks that a minor can and cannot do in your foodservice establishment.
Consider the Laws When scheduling a minor for shifts, consult your state laws on the limitations of hours that they can work. Keep Strict Hours Make sure that your shift managers are strict on hours scheduled and worked for any employees who are minors.

Information and Resources Are you still looking for information on employing minors in your restaurant?
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