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How is ch pronounced

how is ch pronounced

China Chemie Conclusion Even though there are many ways to pronounce the ch in German, all of them are quite easy to learn for English speakers, while some of them sound the same as English letters.

how is ch pronounced

Initially, it will take some time, but the more you practice, the better you will get. PH as in English. For example, thuilm 'hoolim'. Therefore aird 'aarsht'. Slender how is ch pronounced As discussed above, in most cases, 'slenderising' a consonant just involves sticking a Y after it. The difficulty for English speakers is ending a word with this kind of slenderised sound. Writing out the pronunciations for these here isn't easy either! Of course, there are a lot of exceptions. Slender S is pronounced as the English SH. Slender CH is pronounced like the German ich; that is to say, rather like an H and a Y run together and said with more force. Slender GH and DH are a how is ch pronounced version of the above, i. It can sound rather like a severely overdone Y.

L only slenderises at the beginning of a word. R slenderises everywhere except at the beginning of a word. Honestly, who makes these things up?

Cha- - Chante

Finally, ever hear the English word tune pronounced 'tchoon' rather than 'tyoon'? This is a common trend, and the same is happening in Gaelic. Thus it's fine to pronounce teallach 'tchal-uhkh' rather than 'tyal-uhkh', and of course it means the word nid comes out as 'nyitch' because the D is pronounced as a T because it's not at the start, but it's also slender, so it becomes TY which then becomes TCH Enjoying yourself? Just wait till we meet the vowels Combinations of vowels The trick with this stuff is knowing which vowels are actually supposed to be sounded, and which have been inserted to mark how is ch pronounced surrounding consonants as broad or slender. Also, Gaelic vowels have a habit of changing before certain consonants, much as the A's in the English words ''half'', ''hand'', ''hall'', ''halt'' and ''hallow'' are all pronounced differently.

Just be grateful you aren't having to learn as many rules as a learner of English! AO is a new vowel, and we all love those.

how is ch pronounced

It's like the OO sound in English ''food'', but with the lips unrounded, and sounded further back in the throat. But normal people don't speak ancient Greek these days except to import a word or phrase into another language, such as English. That should mean that it doesn't make much difference how you pronounce it, but there are conventions, and you are better off following them, if for no other reason than because everybody else does. Learn this stuff once, and you can impress people or at least yourself for the rest of your life. You can also avoid how is ch pronounced gaffes. English transcriptions of ancient Greek words or English words built on Greek roots —so-called "neo-Grecisms" tend to be based on the letters of written Greek, not the sounds of the language.

how is ch pronounced

That is convenient in certain ways, but some of the transcription conventions don't always use English letters the way they are used in other English words, and some Greek letters are not consistently differentiated in their English transcriptions. Here is a list of pointers.


Where Greek letters are given, they include both upper and lower case and are printed in blue. The single most important point to remember is that there is no CH as in "cheese" in Greek. In transcribed Greek names, CH always comes out sounding like K. If you get that right, people will forgive most other missteps. Greek words used in English, including how is ch pronounced names, are usually anglicized in speech. For example, the region spelled Boeotia comes out "bee-OSH-a" even though that doesn't sound very Greek.

Pronunciation Key

A similar allophonic variation is thought to have existed in Old English. The sequence "chs" is normally pronounced [ks], as in sechs six and Fuchs fox. It is always pronounced [k] when followed by l or r, as in Christus Christ or Chlor chlorine.

In the conjunction och andch is pronounced [k] or silent. Romance languages[ edit ] In Catalan ch represents final [ k ] sound. In the past it was widely used, but nowadays it is only present in some surnames e. In Italianch represents the voiceless velar plosive [k] how is ch pronounced -e and -i. Ch is traditionally click the following article a distinct letter of the Spanish alphabet, called che.

How is ch pronounced Video

How to Pronounce CH, TR, J, DR in CHAIN, TRAIN, JANE, DRAIN - American English Pronunciation Lesson

How is ch pronounced - completely

At the beginning of a sentence it is used in two different variants: CH or Ch. Only a few Slovak words treat CH as two separate letters, e. In the Slovak alphabetit comes between H and I. Celtic languages[ edit ] In Goidelic languagesch represents the voiceless velar fricative [x]. The digraph counts as a separate letter in the Welsh alphabetpositioned after c and before d; so, how is ch pronounced example, chwilen 'beetle' comes after cymryd 'take' in Welsh dictionaries; similarly, Tachwedd 'November' comes after taclus 'tidy'.

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Chamorro[ edit ] Ch is the fifth letter of the Chamorro language and its sound is [ts]. The Chamorro Language has three different dialects - the Guamanian dialect, the Northern Mariana Islands dialect, and the Rotanese dialect. With the minor difference in dialect, the Guamanians have a different orthography from the other two dialects. In Guamanian orthography, both letters tend to get capitalized e. How is ch pronounced

With the click difference in dialect, the Guamanians have a different orthography from the other two dialects. In the conjunction och andch is pronounced [k] or silent.

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