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So think now. Why are we wasting our valuable time on Facebook just reading gossips? You can use Social Media Network to reach customers. This is going to be more popular these days. By creating a Facebook Business Page also you can earn money through the Internet.
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Creating a Facebook account is not a difficult task. Rather than sharing photos to keep in touch with friends, we can share photos for the purpose of making money among friends. Apart from that you can advertise and sell products through Facebook. If you are keen to get a knowledge on facebook marketing please refer following points. Selling Items through Facebook Facebook users can give the geographical area which they prefer to limit selling items and can select them in their business pages. Even you can advertise your items through Facebook by spending a little amount.
Most of the product owners pay you for this promoting service. Facebook Instant Articles In this, you can promote Facebook articles on your website or your blog. Facebook is paying for that for advertisement. Apply Instant Articles 4.
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Manage Facebook Accounts Especially this feature offers by a reputed company or a celebrity which you can update, edit and share their posts on behalf of them. This can be done either a part-time or full-time basis according to their needs. If you are not familiar to Create a Facebook page, please refer to the link. Freelancing For those who are capable of doing some work, this would be the best fit. Whether you are writing scripts, acting online part time jobs in sri lanka vacancies a panelist, or analyzing different topics, an online journalism career read article worth the effort. Virtual Assistance Imagine an office set up with all the assistants handling data entry, customer service, and other office duties.
Well, virtual assistance is similar without the need to commute to the office. You complete all your tasks online. Some of the popular sites for virtual assistant jobs are Flexjobs and Fancyhands. Selling Viral Videos Do you have a funny video that is likely to go viral in your possession?
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Earn from the video by selling it to some of the top news and entertainment sites in the world. The sites will buy your video irrespective of subject or content as long as it is funny or informative and does not contain harmful content. Product Testing Before a product is released to the mass markets, most producers need customer views.
Several companies are willing to ship their products to your doorstep for your honest opinion. Crowd Funding Do you have a project or an idea you would like to implement, but like the funds? The online community will come to your rescue through crowdfunding.
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Create a compelling story that moves the people to donate to your course. Some of the local crowdfunding sites in Sri Lanka are crowdisland and Tribesfund. Online Real Estate Agent The real estate industry is always expanding as people must seek for residential and commercial places. Not everyone has the time to move around looking for houses. Partner with real estate developers to find them the tenants and buyers for pay on commission.
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Renting Out Your Property Do you have some space or room in your home that you are not using? Rent it out temporarily and earn from it. Listing your property on Airbnb is the best co-sharing strategy for your space. Answering Questions Imagine how fun it is to earn from answering questions and advising people online. Sites like FunAdvice and Ether are some of the websites that allow you to make money answering questions.
Ad Revenue System Other than companies automatically online part time jobs in sri lanka vacancies ads on your sites, some allow you to purchase the ads and pay when people watch. One of the top ad revenue systems suppliers in Sri Lanka is Instamojo.
Online Voiceovers Like online modeling for people with great looks, online voiceovers are an excellent earning way for those with great voices. Contact different enterprises and ad companies for Voiceovers gigs. Playing Games Online Any ardent gamer can earn online by testing the games. Most game developers allow you to play the pre-release version for your feedback and pay you. Selling Artwork The internet is a massive market for the pieces of your artwork. Market your work extensively to reach several prospective clients. Consider starting your website where sellers meet buyers for transactions. We will let you know the all work from home jobs for online part time jobs in sri lanka vacancies people who residing in Sri Lanka.
To be honest the work from home jobs for Sri Lankan residents are very limited. If you compare the big countries like, US, UK, India there are many opportunities to make money from internet. But if you look for an online job in Srilanka there are few legitimate online jobs available for the Srilanka people. You can join with these online jobs from home without investment and registration fee.
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Before launching new products or services, they need to find out consumer preferences.They conduct survey and utilize the results to improve their products. After launching a product they conduct survey to study the consumer mind. Also to compare their market reach with their read article brand they conduct survey. Their main job is to conduct online survey on behalf of the Multinational Companies. These Survey companies are constantly looking for people like you and me to help them conduct the survey and collect information. If you treat this opportunity like a part time job and put in the effort, the rewards will come.
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