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What target sells wine

what target sells wine what target sells wine


What target sells wine

What target sells wine Video

Trying Targets Highest Rated Wines UNDER $10!!

What target sells what target sells wine - opinion

By Stephanie Forshee March 21, am Share Tweet Submit Pin Back in the fall ofa lot of people got their hopes up about a drink-while-you-shop concept at Target.

Many people were picturing themselves walking down each aisle—shopping for candles, magazines, bedding, granola bars, you name it—with a glass of merlot in one hand while steering their shopping cart of dreams with the other. In theory, it sounded like a feasible option that customers might be interested in.

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Several media outlets reported that one store in Chicago would be piloting the program to gauge interest. Why not?

what target sells wine

Whole Foods Market and other grocery chains have toyed with the idea, with varying degrees of success. At all. By adding your email you agree to get updates about Spoon University Healthier Growing up in Wisconsin, wine was always a staple at the dinner table.

what target sells wine

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