How to ask how old are you in french
Comment allez-vous?
How are you? This is by far and away one of the most recognised expressions in French. The informal form of this expression is: Comment vas-tu?
However this expression is a little awkward as it uses an inversion — inversions are typically in formal structures. In addition there are a number of other informal ways to ask someone how they are. Vous allez bien? Are you well? What are you up to? The shortened version is: Que fais-tu? Pairs of shoes? In this case, you may want to mention what age you were when something happened. Because this falls under the category of description, you should use the imperfect form of avoir to express an age from the past.
Simply start with your imperfect stem, av- and go ahead and add the appropriate imperfect ending. To add more detail, add a clause beginning with the word quand when. What's going on? Quand est-ce que tu veux partir? When do you want to leave? Pourquoi est-ce qu'il a menti? Why did he lie?
Quel livre est-ce que vous cherchez? Which book are you looking for? Inversion Inversion is a more formal way to ask questions.
Quel âge as-tu? / Quel âge avez-vous?
Just invert the conjugated verb and subject pronoun and join them with a hyphen. Again, place any interrogative words at the beginning of the question.
Quand veux-tu partir? Quel livre cherchez-vous? Use inversion to ask negative questions.
Ne dansez-vous pas? Don't you dance?
How to ask how old are you in french Video
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