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How do i link 2 mtn numbers together

how do i link 2 mtn numbers together

Enter admin as username and admin as the password and click Login 4.

A: No, you cannot. Everybody is to enroll for their NIN individually. It is a personal Identity number. Q: Will my bank account be blocked if my line is not linked to NIN? A: No. Q: How can my relatives abroad get NIN? A: Please click on www.

What do I do?

A: Please contact the Corporate Account Officer for more information. Q: Why are our lines and other services, being treated separately from other MTN customers? A: The regulator, NCC instructed all operators to treat corporate accounts as such, due to the multiple phone numbers and we have received interim measures on NIN linkage for businesses.

A faulty device is to be returned to the point of purchase for resolution or replacement subject to technical assessment at the store. How do I subscribe toHyNetflex Data plans? HyNetflex Unlimited Data bundles are available for as low as N5, Weekly planN20, Monthly plan ; higher data plans are also available.

MTN has a wide range of validity periods for capped plans valid i. You will be able to roll over your unused data bundle.

how do i link 2 mtn numbers together

Is there promotional offer forHyNetflex Data customers? Is my HyNetflex data depletion different from other data plans? Blue network signal light on your HyNetflex router indicates your HyNetflex is on 4G, while a green network signal light indicates 3G.

How many times can I send a request for data? You will be able to send a request for data at most 5 times a day, but you shall be able to receive data request multiple times. You will not receive data request if you have Full DND active on your line? What are the types of bundle I can gift a friend? You can only buy and transfer data from your daily, weekly, and monthly bundle plans, but, you shall not be able to gift from an XtraValue bundle. How long can I have a pending data request? A request will click active for 48 hours on your view pending request menu and you will be able to see only the 10 most recent ones if you have multiples.

how do i link 2 mtn numbers together

I just purchased a monthly bundle, but I am still having unused data in my daily and weekly bundle balance that will soon expire. Speed Connect with the fastest and most consistent mobile upload and download speeds. Simple No complicated installation, no waiting, no digging. Should you run out of data, you can buy a Top Up data bundle.

how do i link 2 mtn numbers together

Your speed will be reduced to 2Mbps or 4Mbps, depending on the price plan subscribed to.

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