How do u say are u okay in spanish

See You Soon — Hasta pronto. Hasta pronto. It is commonly used around Spanish speakers. It is an informal way of saying goodbye to anyone. It is a very sad goodbye especially if you are parting from someone you once truly cared about.

Your friend: Yup! But they were very expensive. Clarines Clarines is a popular Mexican slang word to say yes.

This word is only used by young Mexican speakers in very casual conversations. You: Do you want to go for a beer after work?

Today I finish at four, see you in the bar across the street? Your friend: Did you already finish the tv show that I recommend to you?
If the noun is feminine, you would say "buena" boo-EHN-ah. Add an s to the end if the noun is plural. That's the noun the adjective bueno needs to agree with. There really isn't a formal way to say "How are you?
Just as in English and other languages, there are informal ways to say "How are you" in Spanish. These alternatives could be roughly translated as the equivalent to saying "what's happening" or "what's up" in English.

They're appropriate in casual social situations or when talking to people around your own age who you know fairly well, so you should only use them in relatively informal situations with people you know or people who are your age or younger. Since they're slang, they're typically only appropriate in social settings when greeting people around your own age.
How do u say are u okay in spanish - can
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