How to say do you have something in spanish

It is necessary to be very ready. Why is it necessary to use codes? How long do you have to work to buy yourself an iPhone? Literally, how much time is it necessary to work to buy oneself an iPhone? Necesitar Que and Es Necesario Que As might be expected, some other phrases used in statements of necessity are closely related to the word "necessary. Necesito que un experto me contacte. I need an expert to contact me. A word-for-word translation would be: I need that an expert contact me.
Many of the other translations below where the subjunctive is used follow a similar pattern. Necesitas que alguien te escuche. You need someone to listen to you. We only needed for it to seem real. Similarly, it is possible to use the impersonal phrase es necesario que, which also is followed by a verb in the subjunctive. Es necesario que Europa conserve su herencia. It is necessary for Europe to retain its heritage. It is necessary for them to send us the data.
No era necesario que eso ocurriera. Instead, use a colon because… well, just because! So remember to write it properly when you start writing an email to your boss! Punto y coma Semicolon I have always more info that the semicolon is called punto y coma in Spanish, because you actually have to write a period and a comma to produce a semicolon.
But besides that, I think the semicolon is not only the punctuation mark I have used the least in my life, but also the one that took me the longest amount of time to understand! The semicolon is some weird hybrid between a comma and a period. It is like a comma and a period but it is neither the former nor the latter… it is here to complicate our lives… only if we let it win! The truth is, the semicolon is very easy to use, and it is used in the same exact way how to say do you have something in spanish both English and Spanish. So when should we use it?
There are two main uses of the semicolon, and while one is very precise and easy to understand, the other is abstract and absolutely open to interpretation. But we will start with the easier one: Use the semicolon when making a list in order to separate the different items, especially if the items are long sentences and include commas. Me gusta hacer muchas cosas, sobre todo viajar por el mundo; descubrir nuevas culturas, si tengo tiempo, claro; y comer la comida local.

I like to do a lot of things, especially travel around the world; discover new cultures, if I have the time, of course; and eat the local food. Use the semicolon instead of the period in order to join independent clauses if they are closely related to each other. In summer I go to Spain; in winter I go to the mountains. Your brother is a doctor; my brother is a professor. If the sentences are short, do not overthink it. Just use a comma: Te amo, te adoro. I love you, I adore you. Puntos suspensivos Ellipsis The ellipsis is another punctuation mark that works practically the same way in Spanish as in English.

Lately, especially thanks to the use of texts, instant messaging and emails, a lot of people tend to overuse it by adding it to the end of almost every sentence. However, the uses of the ellipsis are very well defined and we should go back to using it properly. Of the many uses of the ellipsis, the three main ones are: To mark an interruption or speech that trails off.
This is the main use of the ellipsis. And then… I killed him. The only thing you need to remember and bear in mind is that in Spanish you need to use an inverted question mark also known as an opening question mark at the beginning of every question! Do Spanish people write it? Yes, we do! Is it necessary? Yes, it is! Will I get lower grades if I leave it out? Yes, of course! Forget about lazy Spanish people who now have a tendency to ignore the opening question mark when chatting or writing emails. Just learn to use it, because it is a must!

What time is it? What is your name? Are you sure? We use it for the same purpose both in Spanish and English, but we need to add exclamation points at the beginning of every exclamation. Once again, do not try to find excuses and ignore the lazy people who try not to use it. You would not start a sentence with a lowercase letter, right? How beautiful! Do not do it!

I am going crazy! Guion y raya Hyphen and Em-dash I have a confession to make: I used to get lost every time I had to use the hyphen and the em-dash because, for me, they have always been one and the same thing, except one is longer than the other… Do not judge me, nobody is perfect! However, I can share a little trick with you that has made my life easier and has helped me remember most of the time when I should use each of them. To put it simply, remember the following: the raya separates and the guion unites. Once you internalize that little mnemonic, you will easily remember that we use the raya to separate the different voices in a dialog in Spanish i. The em-dash can also be used in Spanish to separate side notes link explanatory information somewhat like parentheses, although this usage is more common in English than Spanish.
We use the hyphen to unite. In other words, hyphens can show two words are related, show the rest of a word continues on the next line or show that two numbers form an interval. We should study the history of Colombia. Tuvo que irse a trabajar. She had to go to work. As in the above examples, tener que and deber are usually interchangeable. However, tener que usually expresses a stronger sense of obligation than does deber. Note that tener is conjugated irregularly. Deber, however, is conjugated regularly.
He absolutely has to tell the how to say do you have something in spanish. You leave me no other choice, and I must accept. Using Deber for a Weaker Sense of Obligation A weaker sense of obligation can be expressed by using the conditional form of deber.
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