Is california getting rain soon

Dry Season As April progresses, the wet season is coming to a close: The rains have likely shut off for the season, with perhaps only the odd monsoon-driven storm between now and next winter.
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The numbers on the drought are not likely to change much through the dry season, Svoboda said, just as they have changed little over the past few weeks. Digging Out of Drought The prospects for pulling out of this drought are uncertain and entirely dependent on how next winter shapes up. Already some state lawmakers are calling for more reservoirs, while environmentalists are clamoring is california getting rain soon stricter water usage rules. Climate change stands to play a role, as well. Climate models currently project a slight drop in spring precipitation for California, though it is tiny compared to the shifts that have brought about the current drought, Seager said. But global warming also looks to shrink the winter wet season and make more precipitation fall as rain instead of snow, he said.
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With this week's update from the U. Drought Monitor, more Californians are in a moderate drought than at any time the last year, in terms of population. A persistent storm track has kept winter storms to the north and east of California since December. The average jet stream track since the beginning of December, as seen in the above graphic, has kept temperatures warm and precipitation far below average. Much of Central California has yet to see a drop of rain in February, typically one of the state's wetter months.
If San Francisco stays dry through the end of the month, is california getting rain soon will only be the second February in years with no precipitation in the city. Some spots in coastal Northern California and the Sierra Nevada are more than a foot behind in rainfall or the water-equivalent of snow in the last 60 days.
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So far, reservoirs around the state aren't doing too is california getting rain soon. All reservoirs in Northern and Central California are currently filled to near- or above-average levels for mid-February, while levels in Southern California are slightly below average. In drought years, groundwater has always been California's ace in the hole. It's a crucial fallback for when reservoirs dry up and snowpack melts away—and it will become even more important in the future. Scientists expect climate change to make dry spells longer, and wet years warmer, resulting in less snowpack atop the mountains.
Without it, Californians start source their aquifers. Now, after years of drought, those groundwater reserves are starting to dry up. That's when water comes from the sky, Californians.

If that rain gets back into the ground, it recharges the aquifers. Yesterday, the Los Angeles Times reported how new laws and bonus bond money have engineers developing projects to enhance that recharge.

Gallon for gallon it's the best way to hold onto water—if those engineers can get it back in there at all. Ground Truth California has never had rules governing groundwater use.

Read that again: The state has never regulated how much water anyone pulls out of the ground.
Is california getting rain soon - thank for
October 16, at p. Southern California residents experienced above-average temperatures Saturday, Oct. Cooler weather is expected Monday before a mid-week warm-up.(17 Videos)
Light rain and drizzle in some coastal areas and valleys also are forecast for early Monday. Light rain will affect portions of SW California tonight and Monday morning. The Outlook What do the next days, weeks and month hold? Continuing cold temperatures have preserved much of that snowpack.
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