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How to say straw in spain spanish


How to say straw in spain spanish Video

How to say straw in Spanish

How to say straw in spain spanish - very

Early next day we left Iztapalapa with a large escort of those great Caciques whom I have already mentioned. We proceeded along the Causeway which is here eight paces in width and runs how to say straw in spain spanish straight to the City of Mexico that it does not seem to me to turn either much or little, but, broad as it is, it was so crowded with people that there was hardly room for them all, some of them going to and others returning from Mexico, besides those who had come out to see us, so that we were hardly able to pass by the crowds of them that came; and the towers and cues were full of people as well as the canoes from all parts of the lake.

It was not to be wondered at, for they had never before seen horses or men such as we are. Let the curious readers consider whether there is not much to ponder over in this that I am writing.

What men have there been in the world who have shown such daring? But let us get on, and march along the Causeway.

When we arrived where another small causeway branches off leading to Coyoacan, which is another city where there were some buildings like towers, which are read article oratories, many more chieftains and Caciques approached clad in very rich mantles, the brilliant liveries of one chieftain differing from those of another, and the causeways were crowded with them. There we halted for a good while, and Cacamatzin, the Lord of Texcoco, and the Lord of Iztapalapa and the Lord of Tacuba and the Lord of Coyoacan went on in advance to meet the Great Montezuma, who was approaching in a rich litter accompanied by other great Lords and Caciques, who owned vassals.

The four Chieftains who supported his arms were also richly clothed according to their usage, how to say straw in spain spanish garments which were apparently held ready for them on the road to enable them to accompany their prince, for they did not appear in such attire when they came to receive us.

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