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Is english more similar to french or german

is english more similar to french or german

Updated on May 20, Fluency How important is family to you? Researchers say that strong family bonds contribute to longer, healthier lives. Believe it or not, languages have families too! Linguists categorize languages into families, or groups, with similar backgrounds. English is part of the Indo-European language family. Tracing the family tree of the English language will help you understand how English fits into this particular language family. Grammarly can save you from misspellings, grammatical and punctuation mistakes, and other writing issues on all your favorite websites.

First, visualize your family tree. How far back can you trace your genealogy? Your parents and siblings would occupy the branches closest to is english more similar to french or german. Then, the tree branches extend upward to include grandparents, great-grandparents, and so on. Some people can trace their family for generations, but everyone eventually reaches a point where they lose track of the names. Hundreds of languages compose the Indo-European family, so linguists divide them into closely related subfamilies. The Germanic branch is one of the ten or so Indo-European subfamilies. The Germanic family itself has subgroups; English is in the West Germanic branch along with German, Dutch, Afrikaans, and a few others.

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What makes English like the other languages in its subfamily? Not only can you use the site to read international news in French at the link abovebut you can also read in Germanalong with 29 other languages. To change languages, just look for the option at the top right of the screen. But DW is more than a friendly, multi-language current events resource. It also provides you with quality German learning materials that you can access in Frenchin German or in English. You can sort available courses, which include video and audio offerings, according to your level on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languagesfrom Level A1 to Level C. FluentU takes real-world videos—like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talks—and turns them into personalized language learning lessons.

is english more similar to french or german

This means you can learn languages from the same media native speakers enjoy, right from the very beginning of your studies. Even better, FluentU has platforms for learning both French and German, and one subscription is all you need to switch seamlessly between however many languages you want.

The program saves your progress separately for each language, making multilingual studying aligned with your interests a breeze. You may even already be using it to learn French, German or both. So for example, you may want to start off with the Duolingo English-German course and another resource with more advanced potential, like FluentUbut keep your French studies low-key.

Then, when you have enough German under your belt, start the German-French Duolingo course, and learn French while keeping up your German. You can view these texts right in your browser or download them in a.

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How to Learn French and German Together So, how do you work these resources into an actual learning routine? Here are a few tips. In your daily learning, work on whichever is your weaker language first. For that reason, it can be helpful to always prioritize your weaker language over your stronger one. Additionally, is english more similar to french or german maybe even more practically, doing things in this order will create a sense of momentum. When possible, use French language materials to learn German and vice versa. This is how resources like the Deutsche Welle site can be so useful. Passively reinforcing a language that you already know to an extent while learning a different language at the same time is an efficient way to grow and maintain your skills. So, is english more similar to french or german not to pass up any opportunity to do this. I don't really intend to work in S. America, but I heard that Spanish is fast becoming an important language to learn.

I would most likely want to work in Europe, or at least be able to communicate with the people while there. Any advice, especially on the language difficulty of German? Great historic influence: the french revolution, the cradle of Age of Enlightenment, Cinematography, Cars, cultural influence in Cooking, Painting, literature, fashion, philosophy See Francophonie: French speak by native speakers or fluent, speakers around the world.

But strong demographic rate in Africa could surprise the observers However, as compared to Spanish, it is relatively more difficult, hence my indecision. In addition, I heard that the Spanish-speaking population is booming and its usefulness will increase in the near future due to the expanding of the S. America economy. From what I have read, I have decided that its no point taking German, since the German people prefer to converse in English with foreigners. German is the most widely spoken language in Europe. Germany has the 3rd strongest economy and is the 1 export nation in the world.

Knowing German creates business opportunities. Germans are innovators.

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Germans are the biggest spenders of tourist dollars in the world. The German presence on the Internet supercedes most others. Germans form the largest single heritage group in the U. German-speaking countries have a rich cultural heritage.

Is english more similar is english more similar to french or german french or german Video

French: romantic, global, and pretty similar to English Take a look at how its dialects compare with English: English.

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Is english more similar to french or german

Is english more similar to french or german - not simple

Are you curious about which languages are closest to English?

It rejects its own rules, makes exceptions for others and still experiences a great deal of infighting looking at you, Oxford comma.

is english more similar to french or german

All of these factors make it difficult to determine the languages closest to English. It would be easy to think that English is closest to French, because of all the shared vocabulary, or German, since English is a Germanic language. However, figuring out which language is closest is a little more complicated than you might think. We say arguably as the language is often regarded more as a dialect of English than an actual language.

is english more similar to french or german

Try reading this Scots Wikipedia entry. We can definitively say that English and Scots are very similar because they both developed from Old English Anglo-Saxon. Because of the political divide, Scots was the primary language of Scotland until the union of the Scottish and English parliaments in From here, English became the language of government and religion, and slowly also overtook common speech.

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