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Can i book a hotel room during covid

can i book a hotel room during covid

The relevant travellers who fail to produce the relevant specified documents will be refused to board the flight. Persons put under compulsory quarantine are required to comply with the compulsory quarantine requirements. Unless with the permission of an authorized officer, you shall confine yourself to the place of quarantine and are prohibited from leaving Hong Kong. In order to minimise the potential spread of COVID from the confinee to the community, request to change the place of quarantine from hotel to home will not be granted unless in very exceptional circumstances.

Consideration will only be given to a request on the basis of significant medical conditions, i. Supporting document, including but not limited to, a recent report from a local medical specialist in the concerned field, is required for the application. Each request will be assessed based on individual merits.

In assessing such request, DH will consider the public health risk; whether the person is showing symptoms of COVID; whether the medical justification to support being quarantined at home instead of at a hotel is convincing; whether the person will be released into an environment where a highly vulnerable person may be does anyone actually buy youtube premium close contact; and whether other household members who are not home confinees are willing to be quarantined with the person at home for the rest of the quarantine period in accordance with the quarantine order, etc. The confinee under quarantine and the household member s staying at can i book a hotel room during covid same home location must sign an undertaking.

If the confinee or other household member s violate s the terms of the undertaking, the confinee will have to be put under quarantine in a quarantine centre. DH may also take relevant legal actions corresponding to the relevant violations. Can an inbound traveller who have visited specified places Cap. The inbound travellers concerned who fail to produce the relevant specified documents will be refused to board the flight. If the most affordable rooms of a designated quarantine hotel are fully booked, am I entitled to make reservation for a room of a higher class at a cheaper price? Please consider choosing another designated quarantine hotel if your preferred hotel has been fully booked. Can designated quarantine hotels require me to check out during my compulsory quarantine period? Designated quarantine hotels have the responsibility to ensure that persons subject to quarantine order will stay in their rooms as the place of quarantine.

In other words, the hotels cannot require you to check out during the quarantine period. If, due to delay of my flight, I arrive in Hong Kong one day behind the schedule, do I need to bear the room cost for the extra night? The quarantine period should be counted from the actual date how to delete message requests on messenger app arrival in Hong Kong. Therefore, your compulsory quarantine period will automatically be pushed back by a day, and you have to bear any additional costs on room booking. Can the confinees be allowed to deliver gifts or documents, etc. What if I have other questions on the arrangements of see more Designated Hotel Scheme?

can i book a hotel room during covid

For enquiries, please call hotline at For more information and frequently asked questions regarding health quarantine on inbound travellers, please refer to this webpage. This is subject to the policy of each designated quarantine hotel.

In general, hotels in Hong Kong only allow minors under 16 years old 18 years old for some hotels to stay if they are accompanied by an adult. In response to the latest pandemic situation of COVID and to minimise the risk of disease transmission from the confinee to the accompanying adult, some hotels have adopted a flexible arrangement for allowing minors aged under 18 years old to stay in the hotel by can i book a hotel room during covid. Since these minors come from specified places, the accompanying adult may be exposed to higher risk of infection. For minors subject to quarantine order, prior approval must be obtained from DH if they require an accompanying adult. The accompanying adult and the inbound traveller have to be quarantined in the same hotel room and will not be allowed to leave until the end of the quarantine period. For detailed arrangements, please enquire with the hotels or DH.

As a preventive measure, the accompanying adult is required to stay together with the minor in the same hotel room including inter-connecting room until the end of quarantine period without leaving for the purpose of quarantine in order to minimise the possible risk of community transmission. In addition, a free combined nasal and throat swab tests will also be offered to the caretaker during the quarantine period. For confinees including minors with special needs, are their caretakers allowed to enter the hotel room during the quarantine period? In order to minimise the potential spread of COVID from the confinee to just click for source community, without the permission of an authorized officer, the caretaker is not allowed to enter the hotel room that the confinee stays.

If confinees have the need to replenish goods or food, their friends, family members or hotel staff can place them outside the guestrooms for the confinees to pick up without face-to-face contact. Note: If confines in Designated Quarantine Hotels have the need to replenish goods or food, they may enquire with the hotel regarding relevant policy and arrangements. For inbound travellers with special needs who are subject to quarantine order, prior approval must be obtained from DH if they require an accompanying caretaker.

The inbound traveller can submit the justifications and apply for conditional approval from the DH in advance. Application could also be made upon arrival at Hong Kong and obtained the quarantine order, the inbound traveller can call the hour hotline provided on the quarantine order to submit an application. The caretaker and the inbound traveller have to be quarantined in the same hotel room and are not allowed to leave until the end of the quarantine period. Since these confinees come from specified places, in order to minimize the possible risk of infection or can i book a hotel room during covid transmission, only one caretaker will be allowed to enter and stay with the confinee in hotel room together until the end of quarantine period.

You should also consider how seating arrangements work with any other accessibility services you offer, such as access to captioning or audio description services.

can i book a hotel room during covid

Where allocated seating is not possible, consider other ways to reduce these risks, such as additional stewarding. You can find more information on crowd management measures in the guidance for events and attractions.

can i book a hotel room during covid

Crowd management and events If your hotel or guest accommodation facility is hosting events or large gatherings, you should review the guidance for events and attractions. This guidance recommends taking additional steps to manage risk if the event site or venue includes one or more of the following features: takes place indoors; takes place outdoors, but also has indoor spaces; includes congested areas; involves free movement between people; includes crowd density; or has a large number of attendees. You can find further advice about the types of measures you can put in place such as crowd movement strategies and stewarding to manage risks in these types of events in the events and attractions guidancealong with a risk management template to help you plan your can i book a hotel room during covid.

Guests should follow government guidance on dealing with possible or confirmed coronavirus COVID infection.

can i book a hotel room during covid

What you should do: Ensure you have a policy in place which covers what to do if there is a case of COVID in your accommodation facility. Guests with confirmed can i book a hotel room during covid suspected COVID should return home if they reasonably can, but this may not always be possible. Consider whether it is possible and safe for guests to self-isolate in your facility. There will be some types of accommodation where self-isolation would not be possible, for example if there are shared washing facilities or if the risk to the host, owner or staff cannot be mitigated. In these cases, you should advise guests to make arrangements to travel home if they reasonably can, using private transport but they should only drive themselves if they can do so safely. Take reasonable steps to encourage guests to adhere to government restrictions, including informing them of any relevant guidance such as COVID symptoms and self-isolation and any safety measures in place at your accommodation facility.

You could also ensure individuals are aware of legal obligations to self-isolate if they are informed that they must do so by NHS Test and Trace, and ask them to inform staff if this happens. Inform guests about your policy for COVID symptoms or cases, for example during the booking or check-in process. You should include the process that will be followed and any implications for the guest, such as additional costs if their stay is extended.

Unless otherwise provided for in the contractual terms of the booking, the guest will be expected to pay the costs of an extended stay in all but exceptional circumstances such as the accommodation provider having failed to put in place appropriate working safely measures to reduce the risk of COVID transmission. In case of a confirmed or suspected case of COVID, follow the guidance on cleaning in non-healthcare settings.

If a guest informs you they have tested positive for COVID or they have symptoms of COVID Advise the guest and any relevant members of their family or party, such as those sharing a room to: immediately self-isolate where they are if possible to minimise any further risk of transmission ; arrange an NHS test as soon as possible; and return home if they reasonably can. Discuss with the guest whether they are able to return home, or whether it is possible to extend their stay. Make sure to inform them of any costs an extended stay would include which the can i book a hotel room during covid would usually be expected to cover.

If they choose to return home, they should use private transport but only drive themselves if they can do so safely. If a guest cannot reasonably return home for example if they do not have the means to arrange private transport or they are not well enough to drive themselves home safely and cannot self-isolate in your accommodation facility, their circumstances should be discussed with an appropriate healthcare professional and, if necessary, the local visit web page. If the guest self-isolates in your accommodation facility: Inform the guest of any relevant safety measures you will take, and ensure they are familiar with the guidance on possible or confirmed coronavirus COVID infection which they should follow.

Discuss practical measures with the guest, such as changes to meal and laundry provision. They should stay in their accommodation and should not use shared areas such as TV rooms or lounges or shared dining facilities. If meals are delivered, contact with the guest should be minimised and social distancing maintained at all times. You should also consider whether symptomatic guests should clean their own rooms and strip their own beds, to avoid exposing cleaning or housekeeping staff to unnecessary risk. Camping and caravan sites can open as long as communal areas stay closed. There is also guidance to help prevent the transmission of the virus that accommodation providers must follow.

The guidelines state that you should not travel in or out of Northern Ireland from the Common Travel Area except where it is essential to do so. Essential reasons include but are not limited to returning home, work, for healthcare or education purposes. People arriving into Northern Ireland from within the Common Travel Area who plan to stay for at least 24 hours, should self-isolate upon arrival for 10 days, unless exempt. It's important to note that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC has labeled staying in a hotel "very risky," second only to staying in a dorm. But Jessica Green, PhD, indoor environment microbiologist and CEO of biotech company Phylagen, does have some tips for keeping yourself safe if you're set on a hotel stay in the near future. Creating a buffer between your visit and the previous guest's allows time can i book a hotel room during covid the virus, if present, to dissipate.

Taking the extra step of calling ahead to check that the hotel is taking this precaution could help protect you from COVID. Can i book a hotel room during covid

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