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Can siri teach spanish

can siri teach spanish

Now you can control your smart appliances, check their status, or even do a bunch of things at once — using just your voice. Tap to turn the lights off and the heat down. Quickly check facts, do calculations, or translate a phrase into another language.

A great example is the Siri watch face, which serves up events, news, suggestions, and more right when you need them. Neural text-to-speech technology helps Siri sound natural, especially for longer phrases. Siri gets you answers even before you finish searching in Safari. More Powerful Tasks Siri can search, send, and book faster than you can. And the capabilities of Siri are optimized for each device, so you get the right kind of help, anywhere you are. Siri helps streamline your daily routine.

can siri teach spanish

Shortcuts can do click here things across multiple apps. You can also create your own shortcuts to streamline tasks you do all the time. Download the Shortcuts app Siri is always learning how to be even more helpful. Machine learning is constantly making Siri smarter. First, just can siri teach spanish sure Siri is set to use US English as the default language. Right now translations only work from English to one of the supported foreign languages more on that later.

With the right language in place, simply say "Hey, Siri" or pull up the Siri screen by doing can siri teach spanish long-press on the home button, then ask her something like "How do you say Which way to the bathroom? You can also type your question to Siri if you'd like, using the new Type to Siri feature — a great new improvement. The emotional center of the human brain, called the amygdala, is housed right next to the memory center of our brain, the hippocampus. In other words, our brains evolved to especially remember anything of emotional salience.

This means that to get students to remember, it can pay major dividends to intentionally engage their emotions in learning tasks.

Here are my top five tips. Consistently weave in stories Research shows our brains favor stories. They innately interest us, so we forget them less. Any new Spanish can siri teach spanish can be can siri teach spanish packaged into a story-like version. After frequent exposure to them, many students still have difficulty learning them. These are poner, tener, poder, venir, andar, estar, hacer, traer, decir, querer, saber, caber. In English, these mean to put, have, be able to, come, walk, be, do, bring, say, want, know and fit, respectively. The story you create to teach these verbs might go something like this: Once upon a time a great way to begin and hook students a special daughter of the queen of Pluto put down her mirror, then had a realization that she could… Do you catch my drift?

Continue to practice this activity and conjugation patterns will naturally become second nature for your students.

Consistently weave in video Videos can tell stories and engage students actively. For example, if your students are learning conjugation in the present tense, this video tells a story that engages students through a well-known pop song. Clearly, it naturally incorporates emotion interest, humor and curiosity that can rapidly enliven the classroom.

can siri teach spanish

It was even created in a classroom! Consistently weave in cutting-edge tech Apple sold its billionth iPhone last year. Amazon has sold over 11 million Echo devices. There are overGoogle searches per second. And because I have them on my phone, they're always there with me -- on the metro, in the waiting room at my dentist's office, before I turn out the light and go to sleep. My point, flashcards and I have a very intimate relationship.

can siri teach spanish

Advertisement 3 Your Phone As a Dictionary Finding a good dictionary on your phone can be tricky, but it's crucial, especially while you're in public. During my first few weeks in France, I often found myself glued to my phone in supermarket article source trying to figure out what I was buying.

After you start speaking and gaining some confidence, switch to a monolingual dictionary to challenge yourself. I love to look up the lyrics to foreign language songs and translate them line-by-line. The result is that no matter how rusty my Spanish gets, I think it's likely I'll always know all of the words to Bacilos' " Caraluna. As William Weir writes on Slate"English-only listening habits deprive us of the natural rhythm and melody of other languages -- the nasal vowels of French, the alveolar trills of Portuguese, can siri teach spanish consonant clusters of Czech. Your Texts?

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