How do i verify my email on discord

Copy Message Link: This gives you a hyperlink to the message, copying it to the clipboard. You can paste this link even outside Discord. Anyone clicking the link will be sent to the Discord website and to the message itself. Delete Message: Deletes the message.

These are private messages sent from one user directly to another. To access the DM window, Click the Home icon, which is your portrait on the upper left. This will show you a list of your friends, and the direct messages that you currently have.

Clicking on the portrait of a friend will open the Direct Message window. From here you can proceed to have a private conversation with that person. Do note though that direct messaging may be blocked by other users.

To do this yourself, follow these steps: Click the gear icon near your username to open User Settings. Choose which setting you want. Discord scans content for potentially unsafe work content. Move on to the next step to choose between resending the email or changing your email address. The final step is to check your inbox for the verification email.
Step #1: Navigate to your account settings on Discord
For example, if you used a Gmail email address to create your Discord account, check your Gmail inbox. On the other hand, if you used a Yahoo email address to create your Discord account, check your Yahoo mail inbox. Why is the verification email not sending on Discord? Otherwise, Discord not be able to send a verification code to you. In addition, Discord will send a text message to your phone. The text message contains a 6-digit verification code. On this page, you need to verify your password to complete the phone verification process.
Don’t just take our word for it…
This is because the phone verification process is a security setting. Alternatively, you can use a secondary phone number if you have one.
How do i verify my email on discord Video
How to verify discord account - verify your Email on Discord 2020 If you lost access to it, you can change the email address on your Discord account settings.What level do Yokais evolve at? - Yo-kai Aradrama Message