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What do the colors mean in messenger


That: What do the colors mean in messenger

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What do the colors mean in messenger - were

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What does pink mean on messenger?

Everyone else can also decorate their chat window how they like, for their own benefit, enjoyment, or to help visual acuity. Change the font color Select the text that you want to change. On the Home tab, in the Font group, choose the arrow next to Font Color, and then select a color. You can also use the formatting options on the Mini toolbar to quickly format text.

The Mini toolbar appears automatically when you select text. What does pink mean on Facebook chat?

Personal Cognizance

Can you tell if someone is looking at your messenger? How can you tell if someone has a secret conversation on Messenger?

You are able to have both a normal Facebook messenger conversation as well as a Secret Conversation with the same person. Blue Color Meaning The color of trust and loyalty.

What do the colors mean on Facebook Messenger?

What do the colors mean in messenger - precisely know

Sep 12, Open grey Icon with Check Mark The open grey with a checkmark icon means, your message has been sent from your side successfully. Thus it is not yet delivered. It is to let you know that there were no issues while composing and sending your text messages.

Open grey check mark icon in Messenger In short, the message has been sent and yet available for delivery on the Facebook Messenger server. Filled Grey Icon with Check Mark The filled grey Icon with a checkmark means that your message has been successfully delivered to the recipient.

Yet, you cannot see that if the person reads your message.

However, it is confirmed that the message is now available on the recipient device to read. While that is his choice to read it or ignore it.

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