Sleeping sickness caused by tsetse fly
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Chikungunya Another mosquito-borne illness, chikungunya is often confused for dengue because it can cause many of the same symptoms, such as fever, muscle pain, headache, and rash.
Sleeping sickness caused by tsetse fly - idea
Anopheles mosquito — malaria [12] vector, example Anopheles arabiensis.Tsetse fly Glossina spp. Aedes aegypti [13] and Aedes albopictus mosquitoesvectors for filariasisdengueyellow feverchikungunyaand the Zika virus [14] [15] Fruit fly species, including Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitataCaribbean fruit fly Anastrepha suspensa and Mexican fruit fly Anastrepha ludens in Americas, Queensland fruit fly Bactrocera tryoni in Australiathe oriental fruit fly Bactrocera dorsalis in Hawaiiand several other Bactrocera spp. History of transboundary shipment of sterile insects[ edit ] Transboundary shipment of sterile insects has taken place on a continuous basis for 55 years since The total number of sterile insects shipped has been estimated at more than one sleeping sickness caused by tsetse fly in thousands of shipments across borders to 23 recipient countries from 50 sterile insect factories in 25 countries.
During this long period and many precedents, no problems associated with possible hazards have been identified, and thus the shipment of sterile insects have never been subjected to any regulatory action. The table shows the history of transboundary shipments which started in with the shipments of sterile Mexican fruit fly Anastrepha ludens, Loewfrom Monterrey, Mexico, to Texas, US.
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