Why are there so many fake buyers on ebay

The eBay transaction is listed as refused or returned, the seller gets the product back and keeps the payment, too.

The empty box scam This is a scam to watch for if you are looking for a highly popular item that is generating a lot of media attention, has a limited release, or is difficult to get elsewhere. You may see a coveted item for sale and quickly purchase it, sometimes paying above market price to secure it.
Sadly, in the rush, you may have failed to notice that the listing only specified the box the item came in, not the item itself.
Why are there so many sellers from China selling FAKE items on Ebay?
You end up owning expensive packaging, without the desired product. Counterfeit goods The downside of buying online is that there is no way to verify the authenticity of the goods before you buy them. Scammers know this and will sometimes offer high quality, brand-name items for sale at a very attractive price. Illegitimate sellers may offer an item for sale but then request that the payment is sent outside of the platform.
For example, they may ask for cash, bank transfer, check, money order or even gift cards. Once the go here has your money through untraceable means, they will stop communicating with you and will not send the item.

Fake customer service Similar to the above scam, a fraudulent seller can place a fake Ebay customer service number on their profile or product page. The scammer pretends to be Ebay customer service and convinces the victim to hand over money or sensitive information. Gift card scam Gift card scammers reach out to victims by phone, email, or social media. They offer some sort of limited-time discount in order to create a sense of urgency. Once they have the code, they disappear and make off with your gift card balance. In another version, scammers ask to confirm payment in advance with a gift card, perhaps in return for faster shipping or a discount. The best defence is pre-emptive: make sure you ship valuable items with insurance, that the buyer pays for. How to avoid it: Firstly and most easily: pay on collection only.
The eBay Podcast
Be wary of any seller who insists on advance payment. The buyer arranges to collect from you in person, but pays beforehand by PayPal. By spelling your name incorrectly enough, you as the buyer will likely return it to the post office - thinking it isn't yours - unfortunately getting it marked "refused" or "returned" and effectively cutting you off from the option of the eBay " money back guarantee. And, as added insult to injury, you won't be able to leave any feedback since the transaction will be considered a resolved dispute. Phishing Emails From "eBay" While the pretenses may vary from referencing a recent transaction to offering a special deal, phishing emails from eBay are a common scam that can be link hard to distinguish.
These emails appear to be sent from eBay and always ask you to perform some kind of action - either to provide information or click on a link that sends you to a seemingly safe site like a fake eBay or PayPal. The winning bid came from someone with zero feedback.

I quickly check the name and address of the winner and his name is Duke Jones, which didn't make me feel any better seemed fake and the address cannot be found on google maps or my iPhone map. So now I know I am screwed. Vora, however, decided to make a stand. He emailed the buyer demanding the item, or his money back. She then reported him to the police for harassment. In Vora issued legal proceedings after selling an iPhone4 to a buyer who claimed the box arrived empty.
More Knowledge. More Possibilities.
Despite proof from the Post Office that the parcel weight corresponded with a handset, eBay refunded the buyer. It eventually settled out of court.
Why are there so many fake buyers why are there so many fake buyers on ebay ebay Video
How to Deal With Fraudulent Buyers on eBayWhy are there so many fake buyers on ebay - opinion obvious
They see you're inexperienced in selling so they'll try to send you fake payments thinking you don't know how selling really works, hoping you'll ship without checking to see the payment is in your PayPal account.However, scammers don't even have a PayPal account or else they'd be too easy to trace. The best way to avoid the fake buyers is to build up your selling feedback by selling some inexpensive items before you list something expensive. Anyone have any suggestions?
The buyer pays quickly, and you send the item without concern. Then at the very last second a snipe takes it up to
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